Hi, I'm Garrett.

Wheels Up Logo

At Wheels Up, I currently contribute to the Members Site application built in React with typescript. Here I am able to build new features and contribute to decisions on high level architecture for our application.

Project Innovate Newark Logo

At Project Innovate Newark, I helped build 2 client side React applications and a Flask server applicaiton from the ground up to provide dynamic content, an administrative app, and deliver on various business needs.

Tech Stack

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Programming Languages

  • Javascript

  • Python

  • Typescript



  • React

  • Flask

  • Next

  • Node.JS

  • Django

More Tech Stack


  • Git

  • Axios

  • Redux

  • Service Workers

  • GraphQL

CI/CD Tools

  • GCP

  • Microsoft Azure

  • AWS

  • Docker

  • Kubernetes